Graduation Day; the Afterglow…

April 1st 2008; 12.18 am

After 4,5 years, I finally declared to have a bachelor degree of communication from UNSOED. The title of my research was ‘SELF-DISCLOSURE THROUGH WEBLOG (A Descriptive Study about Influential Factors of Friendster’s Webloggers in doing Self-Disclosure).’ Been waiting quite long to finish all of the research. I’ve been very helpful since the very beginning, that’s why I want to give my best gratitude to all respected parties who have made things possible for me; my parents, brothers, my informants, SEF, anggiekuw, FISIP, Mr. Kuntarto ‘EDP’, Rektorat, Mr. Bekti, Mr. Agoeng, Ms. Mite, de’ Irma, NungkQ ‘UGM’, 4malaikat kegelapan, Com 2003, etc.

Been very grateful to graduate with my other friends; Uma,&Fino [(my best partners and ex-gangster member in our very first year=) unfortunately, Dendi was not part of us now=(], Lita, Indah, Iko, Wimpi, Miming, Chici, Nanda, Fifi, Yayu’, and Katon.

I‘m overwhelmed with gratitude coz I can also graduate with my beloved partner; Veetha Chubby. Great to share many things with you, Pita=). Unfortunately we can’t fulfill the dream of giving the winning trophy to SEF and UNSOED, but at last we can get our own trophy from the dean and the rector. Hahaha=)

The mood was pretty drop since Tante Yoyoh (the one that will put the make-up on me cancelled her arrival to PWT because of her job in Bali). I feel unconfident to join my graduation ceremony =( But I assure myself to stay proud coz eventually I can make my parents proud of me when I was honored as one of the cum laude students. My name was echoed surround Soemardjito and my parents got the chance to shake the hand of rector. One of my wishes had come true now=). At least, I can do something good at the end of my college career.

The next challenge is coming before my eyes and I’m proud to say that ‘I’m ready for it’=)

Thank you for all the support and the graduation messages (Anggie, Peny, Ms. Jacyntha, Icha, Endah, de’ Irma, Wina, Syifa, Halyda, pakde Udi, Dista, Dudee, Ranilla, Eel, Yonie, Om Didit, Irma ‘com’, Dina, Vincent, Igit, Sondang, Azhar, We, NungkQ, Rai, Sarah, (dr.) Lucia, Norman, Rizka, Sandra, Maya, etc).

Wish me luck in the future, buddies…

The memories will remain in my heart and my soul forever.


Annisa Fitri Wulandari, S.Sos


Family’s Picture


Pose with Rector’s Trophy


Altogether with Irma and Veetha


We both got the trophy=)


Dentist Session; Drg. Andrias Kartikosari

March 31st 2008 ; 10.44 pm

Finally, gw bebas dari sakit gigi yang benar-benar sangat mengganggu. Duwh, bener2 sakiit banget kalau udah menyerang syaraf-nya. Awalnya, gigi graham di sebelah kiri gw memang sudah pernah sakit. Dulu, atas alasan ekonomis, gw cuma berangkat ke PUSKESMAS. Secara gw gak pernah keluar kocek lebih dari 5000 perak setiap kali datang berobat ke sana. Makanya gw betah bolak/ik ke sana. Fasilitasnya? Gak perlu ditanya lah. Biaya yang dikeluarkan sudah pasti berbanding lurus dengan fasilitas yang diberikan (baca: bayar murah, fasilitasnya juga ‘murahan’ hehehe=). Nah, lama kelamaan gw gak merasa bahwa pengobatan yang diberikan oleh dokter di PUSKESMAS sama sekali gak ngefek.

Saat bokap datang ke Purwokerto, gw langsung propose untuk ke dokter gigi ‘asli’ yang punya peralatan yang lebih steril dan lengkap. Saat itu keadaannya udah mendesak banget, kondisi gigi gw udah parah banget dan Ponstan udah gak ampuh untuk menghilangkan rasa sakitnya.

Akhirnya gw coba datang ke Rumah Sakit Sinar Kasih. Entah dari mana dapat rekomendasinya. Saat itu gw ditangani oleh Dokter Budi. Ramah banget. Menurutnya, gigi graham gw udah parah dan perlu perawatan. Sebelum memulai perawatan, gw harus minum obat dulu untuk memastikan bahwa gigi gw udah ga sakit lagi di kedatangan yang kedua. Minggu depannya, gw diminta datang. Akhirnya gigi gw ditambal sementara. Dokter Budi kembali memastikan agar minggu depan gw kembali lagi untuk perawatan sebelum akhirnya gigi gw ditambal secara permanen. Saat itu, gw sudah merasa a lot better (pun beberapa waktu setelah itu!). Rasa sakitnya gak pernah terasa lagi sampai-sampai gw lupa kalau gw pernah sakit gigi dan harus kembali ke sana untuk perawatan. Hasilnya, berbulan-bulan gw gak pernah datang lagi. Sampai suatu saat….

Gw merasa gak nyaman dengan gigi gw (yang ternyata sudah sangat terkikis, dan bahkan ‘tambalan sementara’ dokter Budi sudah sama sekali gak tersisa=(). Setiap kali gw makan, pasti aja ada yang terselip di graham itu. Duh,,, bener2 gak nyaman banget. Akhirnya, gw berinisiatif untuk kembali ke Sinar Kasih (lagi!). Meneruskan perawatan yang (dulu!) pernah gw jalani. Saat melihat nama dokter yang jaga saat itu, gw langsung merasa kurang sreg; Drg. Andrias Kartikosari. Pasti ini adalah dokter gigi cowok yang kurang ramah dan gak sesabar dokter Budi.. Duh, kayaknya gw udah lebih nyaman dengan dokter Budi deh (nama BUDI sudah terlalu familiar di benak gw karena di setiap buku teks pelajaran saat SD, nama Bapak BUDI dan Ibu ANI sudah sering banget dijadikan contoh. hehehe). Tapi saat itu, gw gak mungkin pulang lagi karena sudah daftar administrasi, etc (oia, saking kelamaan gak pernah datang lagi, sampai-sampai medical record gw terselip entah dimana..hilang..hehehe=).

Ternyata dokter Andrias tuh cewek. Hihi, namanya sepintas kayak nama cowok. Berbeda 180 derajat, ternyata orangnya masih muda, enerjik, gak jaim dan ramah banget. Sempat juga sih dia tersenyum ‘gak habis pikir’ melihat kondisi graham gw. Parah banget! Menurutnya, sarafnya aja udah kelihatan…hiii…serem..=(

Hampir setiap minggu (+ kurang dari seminggu) gw bolak/ik ke sana selama sebulan ini. Secara biaya, pastinya lebih murah dibandingkan dengan biaya dokter gigi di Jakarta (jangan bandingkan dengan biaya di PUSKESMAS!!=). Gw puas dengan pelayanannya. Gigi gw bener-bener dirawat dan dibersihkan dari kuman atau bakteri yang masuk kesana.

Pernah lihat kuman-kuman yang bergaya centil di iklan-iklan pasta gigi kan? Nah, begitulah kira-kira kondisi yang ada di gigi gw kalau dilihat pakai mikroskop. Si kuman berpesta pora di sana. Menyakiti syaraf gw dan membuat gw gak bisa tidur, uring-uringan, meringis kesakitan karena urat leher dan kepala terasa ketarik ke atas. Kalau mulut gw terbuka dan kena angin…suirr..suirr…sakitnya berasaaaa banget. Duh, beginilah deritanya sakit gigi… Sakitnya tiada tara=(

Oia, biaya tindakan dokter Andrias sih gak terlalu mahal, tapi kalau udah sampai keluar obat, duh…mahalnya jadi berlipat ganda deh…(udah lah…yang penting, obatnya ampuh dan bikin gigi gw mati rasa…puas bangetttt…si kuman juga pasti pada mati…hihihi)

Setelah sampai 5 atau 6 kali bolak/ik -ada saatnya gw putus asa di tengah jalan dan ingin menghentikan perawatan ini —cie, kayak sakit parah ajjah=)-, akhirnya dr. Andrias menjanjikan untuk melakukan tambalan permanen di graham gw di pertemuan selanjutnya. Tepat hari senin yang lalu gw balik ke sana. ‘operasi’nya singkat. Paling cuma 15-20 menit. My tooth is officially free from cavity=)

Setelah berkali-kali ketemu dokter Andrias -diapun akhirnya hapal banget sama gw karena setiap kurang dari seminggu ketemu terus=)- gw udah seneng banget dirawat sama dia. Now, it’s time to separate. Pesannya cuma satu, gw harus rajin merawat gigi dan kembali setiap enam bulan untuk check-up (tentunya, gw berharap saat itu gw udah kerja di company yang keren dan bergaji besar di Jakarta =)hehehe. Amin ya Allah…). Nah, sebelum gw pergi, gw sempat berpose bareng sama drg. Andrias. .I’ll let you know her pic. Ini nih hasilnya. Sure I’m gonna miss all the treatment…Semoga gak harus kembali lagi untuk perawatan gigi-gigi lainnya. “Thanks, Doc=)

Self-Disclosure Through Weblog (A Descriptive Study about Influential Factors of Friendster’s Webloggers in doing Self-Disclosure)


Jenderal Soedirman University

Socio-Political Science Faculty

Communication Department

January, 2008

Annisa Fitri Wulandari



(A Descriptive Study about Influential Factors of Friendster’s Webloggers in doing Self-Disclosure)

Weblog as a product of communication technology development have become one of the media to do self-disclosure. Friendster as a popular site with a circle of friends techniques offered broad network to connect people from all over the world. One of its facilities is blog.

The phenomena of Friendster and its blog have been brought into the research entitled “Self-disclosure through Weblog (A Descriptive Study about Influential Factors of Friendster’s Webloggers in Doing Self-Disclosure)”. The purpose of the research was to find out the influential factors of Friendster’s webloggers in doing self-disclosure. The method of research used was descriptive qualitative method, which focused on Friendster’s webloggers as the object of the research. Purposive Sampling technique was used in selecting the informants. Based on the informants’ characteristics, there were six informants to be interviewed in the research. The informants had explained the influential factors in disclosing themselves through Friendster’s blog. Data triangulation was used to measure the validity of the research.

Based on the research, it was concluded that Friendster has been chosen because of its simplicity in posting the stories and its ability to give automatic and regular updates notification to all friends in one’s network. There were several influential factors that lead people to disclose themselves through Friendster’s weblog. The factors were included personal attraction factor and situational attraction factor. These two factor were derived into some factors; personal characteristic similarity, emotional pressure, social isolation, physical attractiveness, rewards, familiarity and competence. Beside that, another influential factors found in the field showed that friends, wider access of blog and anonymity have also been contributed in leading someone to do self-disclosure. At most, the major influential factor that leads someone to do self-disclosure was personal motivation to improve the writing ability.

Keywords: Friendster, Blog, Self-Disclosure